I haven’t blogged lately as I seem to be surrounded by asshats and it makes my humor hide. When I started this blog I was very specific with myself that I did not want to turn into rant sessions but I do believe I’m going to have to make an exception. I’m hoping if I purge my spleen my funny will come back and show itself in the light of day.
First, if you a liar, as in someone who lies, you do not have the right to get mad at people who are upset and hurt by the fact that you lied to them. You do not get to be offended that you are then labeled a liar and in general, an asshat. You want to not be called those things, don’t be them. Very simple concept. We even teach it to our children, most of whom understand the concept. Also, after a certain age, I’m going to say 7 or 8, you are required to start dealing with your problems. Not ignore them in hopes that they will resolve themselves. Or in hopes that someone else will come and clean up the mess for you. This doesn’t work, if anything it often makes the situation worse.
Second, I’m tired of the fact that based on what I am seeing/hearing no one understands the basic concepts of parenting. A) You will always have to be the adult in the situation. B) You need to set an example; the goal should be a GOOD example. Being a user or abuser does not qualify. C) If you want to be part of your children’s life, make the effort. D) It is not just a hallmark sentiment, time truly is the best thing you can give kids (well anyone in reality). E) If you have spent multiple years ‘playing’ the role of father in their life, you are their father, biology be damned.
Third, no one wants to grow up. Ideally if we knew what we were getting into, we would have opted out. Unfortunately no one has yet to locate the opt out button. You need to pay bills, you need to provide for your family, you need to take responsibility for your life and your mistakes. If you want the benefits of being an adult, then you should act like one. If you want to be respected, you need to be respectable. Otherwise except the fact that you are a child and will be treated as such.
Fourth, bullying is an exceptionally weak characteristic. You can not be a strong person by bullying others. Calling names, pointing out flaws, wishing harm and overall putting down of others does not make you better than them. It makes you weak and pathetic. Don’t assume that those who chose not to engage in the behavior are too weak; assume they are strong enough to not engage in childish games. If you want to be the ‘better’ person, the stronger person, live your life as an example. Tearing someone down has never made anyone the better person; it only shows an extreme weakness of character.
Fifth, if any of this sound like I’m taking to you, I may very well be. I highly recommend you look at your life, and make some very changes. No one likes an asshat. No matter how fun of a word it is.