I’ve been struggling with writing. I look back at some of my previous posts and I find pieces of myself laid bare. Not sure I am comfortable with the picture that I am painting. Though maybe that means I am not comfortable with myself. And maybe there is no maybe about that last statement. Either way it is making me feel shy about what I put out here. Which is leaving me struggling with what to write. I’ve decided to try and put that fear aside and just plunge in (not head first, because you can get injured, but feet first)
2011 is coming to a close. It’s been a crazy 12 months. I’m not where I thought I would be, but I’m not where I feared I would be either. I guess that means I’m middle of the road, and as long as everyone stays in their lanes, I’m perfectly safe.
So it’s a good time of year to look inward and reflect on the things one wishes to change about themselves. As well as determine goals for the upcoming year. I’ve spent no time thinking about it, but this is what I got so far.
- Finish learning to play guitar. I started, which is a step. I know most of the major cords. Now I just need to be able to play them in an order that would be appealing to humans.
- Ride in a hot air balloon.
- Start getting back into Yoga and meditation.
- Write
- Get a different job (which is 24 days, 591 hours, 35462 minutes from when I am writing this)
- Learn how to make homemade pasta
- See polar bears in the wild
- Go to a Hindu Temple
- Go to a Packers game (tickets, check. Hand warmers, check. To be completed on 01.01.12)
- Learn to stand up for myself without feeling guilty or selfish.
- Learn to accept that who I am is understanding, sympathetic and forgiving, and I don’t need to be anyone different.
- Be better at staying in contact with my loved ones. You know who you are, the ones that I don’t call, I don’t write, YET I think of you often.
- Participate in the Dirty Girl (August 18, 2012)
- Learn to not walk into doors. (I am in the bathroom hanging up the clothes for the next day, I turn around, grab the bathroom door to open it, and take a step forward. BAM. Right into the door goes my head. I saw small little birds chirping around my head. Its two days later and I still have a knot on my head.)
- Have a girls weekend somewhere away from home (anyone want to come with me, right now it’s me and well me. So I guess at this point it’s just a girl weekend
- Cheese curds. I am not sure what my resolution is about them, but I feel they need to be in this list somewhere. Maybe I could get a job as being a cheese curd spokesperson. Bring goodwill and cheese curds to the world. Or maybe not so much goodwill as just bring cheese curds.
- Get people to accept that my phobia of snakes is not something I can just ‘get over’ I would if I could. But seriously people, there are giant man eating snakes out there. Protect the children.
- Go skiing /snowboarding
- Go to Colorado (this probably could be included in the one above.)
- Buy a dining room table and chairs, use for eating.
- Start saving for Sochi 2014
- Learn to speak Russian
- Be confident
- Figure out why everyone thinks Fight Club is a good movie.
- Watch more movies so people stop saying ‘really’ when I say I haven’t seen something.
- Become un-allergic to my dogs salvia. Nothing like breaking out in hives when getting some cuddle time.
- Get a goat or a sheep. Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell (thanks Cake)
- Admit I’m a sentimental romantic.
- Stop hamster wheeling things, only those of you with anxiety will understand this one. It’s when you think about something over and over. Reaching no real conclusion, yet you continue to obsess about it.
- Learn how to surf
- Sky Dive
- Make 2012 Christmas Cards
- Kick people in the shin who insist on calling me Kim after I have nicely asked them to call my Kimberly (anyone who knew me before 1995 is pardoned from being kicked, though I would prefer if you called me Kimberly.)
- This isn’t a resolution, but a fact. I enjoy making lists.
- Be better at staying organized.
- Vote for President.
- Possibly run for President, or Congress. Feel free to write me in. Guy on the phone the other day told me I had a nice voice and therefore I should be in the Senate. I am not sure it’s the right requirements, but based on the current Congress, it’s not a bad requirement.
I may think of more things between now and the first. I may even be inclined to share some of them.
Here are some well wishes I have for you. May the New Year find you happy and healthy. May you never hit your funny bone. May your bum never sit on a wet toilet seat. May your jokes always be laughed at. May the biggest piece of cake always be yours. May a love one always be there to catch your tears. May your life be blessed in a thousand different ways.