Thursday, May 10, 2012


I am a romantic. I believe there is a soul mate for each of us. That happily-ever-after does occur. I think one has to work at these things, every day. Falling in love is not a choice, but it is a choice to be in love. It’s a lot of work and effort, it’s not easy. So I see no reason that one should limit the choices of who to love. If one heart speaks to another, we shouldn’t say it should be ignored. I have many friends that are happily married to great men. Yet not a single one of those men called to my heart, do I have the right to tell them that their heart is wrong because it speaks differently than mine does? Yet we feel it’s appropriate to tell those who love someone of the same-sex that their heart is wrong. In a world where children shoot children, people put bombs in their underwear and people hit one another we shouldn’t deny anyone the opportunity for love. Love is the most precious thing we have to give. Why would we want to tamper with it, deny it or try and change it? Some will say that same-sex marriage will ruin the sanctity of marriage; my response is look at the divorce statistics. On average 1 out of 2 marriages will end in divorce. I think that the sanctity of marriage has already been ruined; we should let someone else try and preserve it. Why do we assume they would do a worse job at marriage then we do, if anything they may do a better job, as human beings have a tendency to treasure the things that they fight for. America was founded on the belief of a pluralistic society. We are supposed to embrace different ideas and beliefs; to be accepting of those that are different. Yet we state that those that are different then us are not equal to us and do not deserve the same rights as us. And last but not least, to address those who feel that same-sex marriage goes against the word of God. Let me take a moment to remind you that Jesus, Buddha and many other religious figures preached love. Not hate, not judgment. It is not our place to judge anyone else. Limiting their rights is judging them. If two consenting adults are willing to love each other, to build their lives together, to ride this crazy ride together, why would we deny them the right to do so? Don’t be the person who denies someone the right to love the person their heart chooses. The world needs more love. “The world moves for love. It kneels before it in awe.” M. Night Shyamalan

1 comment:

  1. Dear God I love this and I could not have said it any better if I tried all night. KUDOS.
