Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Naked Zombies

Jumping right in on my random thoughts…
Why is it that zombies are never naked? Am I expected to believe that everyone is fully dressed when they get attacked? That just doesn’t seem likely. People are going to end up being attacked while they are in all states of dress; bathrobes, boxers, tops only, bottoms only, socks only. I also think it’s unlikely that everyone is going to have shoes on. I know for myself I rarely wear shoes unless I know I’m going somewhere it is required. Odds are I’m going to be barefoot and in my pajama’s when the zombie apocalypse happens. I think this random state of dress needs to be better reflected in the movies and shows.

A friend and I were talking about dating, and I’ve decided that we should put together a book on all our weird dating stories. I don’t just mean the awkward ‘he talked about his mom the entire time’ but the really weird ‘then he asked me to pee on him’ situations. In addition all the stories of the morning after, when you wake up and wonder where you put your pants, and what state you are in. The guy who doesn’t take no for an answer and finds the lamest reasons to hang around. Not to mention there will have to be a section dedicated to dick picks… the fact that guys need to send pictures of their dicks, you don’t have to ask, you don’t even have to seem like you are interested in seeing it. Apparently in guy language ‘Hi’ equals ‘Please send me a picture of your penis.’ (for you guys out there, do not send a picture unless you have been asked to do so, it will be better for you in the long run, rarely does a non-requested dick picture go over well.)(if you have a crazy dating story, post a comment, I would love to hear it.)

It’s shark week, which makes me happy. It is amazing to me that with all our knowledge we still no very little about why they do the things they do, and where they give birth. Every year though we learn more. I also am appreciating the fact that Finding Nemo is coming out in 3D. But it raises a question, how come there are not more 3D horror movies? Wouldn’t it be great if Ghostbusters came out in 3D? There would be some awesome scenes. Dear Hollywood, you need to get on that!

I move in 2 days, I’m excited and stressed. This is going to be another new start for me. Not only am I glad to get out of my scary apartment (one day there was a used condom on the back steps, a week later there was a pregnancy test in the bushes . . . coincidence?) but it will also be a place that is just mine. No memories, no regrets. It’s a new chapter in my life, and I am beyond ready for it. I know some will say I move too much, what can I say I have a wanderlust, and bad luck in picking places to live. Each time I move I sincerely hope this will be the last one.

I have for awhile now felt the need to either run and/or hide. I won’t, because I don’t know how to give up or give in. Of course that isn’t always good, I hold on longer then I should. I damage myself in the process. And ultimately I can’t run and/or hide from myself. I will be wherever I go. The things that haunt me, they won’t disappear with a new location. Any more then they disappear when I close my eyes. Stephen King said “Monsters are real. Ghosts are real too. They live inside us. And sometimes, they win.” He’s very right. Yet it doesn’t change the fact that sometimes I want to build a pillow fort and hide from the world. A place that is safe. One of my dearest hopes is that someday I won’t find that need, because my world will be my pillow fort. And the people in it will be the people that protect me, versus the ones that hurt me.

Speaking of being hurt, there have been so many shootings lately. I have so much to say, but nothing to say at all. All I can think is it would be nice if people would stop shooting others. While I do not dispute that there are some people who deserve to be shot I know without doubt they are not a bunch of random people who are at temple, or school or a movie. If violence is the answer, you are not asking the right question. I wish we would learn better. Whatever it is in our society that is creating this ‘solution’ to people’s problems needs to be changed, and I sincerely hope we figure out how.

This year has been tough, yet at the same time, I have found my smile in the oddest places. And I deeply thank everyone who has been there, who has seen the tears and not turned away. Who has ridden the crazy train and continued to purchase tickets so that I wouldn’t be alone. I can not express how much it has meant to me to have you in my life, you remind me that as bad as it may seem, it really isn’t all that bad. I’m not good at being mushy, even though I am an incredible sap on the inside. I hope each of you know who you are, those that have made me smile when I felt like there was no smiles left. You are near and dear in my heart. I love you to pieces!

And on a final note, I have gotten a twitter account, which in itself is not exciting, but if you are on there, I highly recommend following @CatFoodBreath. Words do not express the awesomeness.

Oops one more thing. Way to go Nerds and NASA, The Curiosity Rover is amazing, and I love the updates. And I love the fact that once again the nation loves NASA as much as I do, and that is a whole damn lot. Keep doing what you guys are doing!

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